Frequently Asked Questions About Citric Acid

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

1. What are common uses for citric acid?

Citric acid is used in a number of other fields, in addition to its use in cleaning products, such as personal care, forestry, dairy, pharmaceutical, and electroplating. As a preservative, flavouring agent, and vegetable rinse it helps in the food industry.

Is citric acid good for your body?

Consuming foods that contain naturally occurring citric acid (from, say, lemon or lime juice) have advantages because it acts as an antioxidant, meaning that it protects the body from damaging free radicals. Eating huge quantities of antioxidants aids with everything from heart protection to cancer prevention.

What are the side effects of citric acid?

Serious side effects of citric acid and sodium citrate include muscle twitching or cramping, swelling or weight gain, fatigue, mood changes, swift and fast breathing, rapid heart rate, anxious feeling, black or bloody stools, extreme diarrhoea or seizure (convulsions).

Is citric acid a disinfectant?

It is great for general disinfection and cleaning because citric acid kills bacteria, mould and mildew. Soap scum, hard water stains, calcium deposits, lime, and rust are also effective at removing. And, in many cleaning products it serves as a preservative.

Is ascorbic acid the same as citric acid?

Citric acid and ascorbic acid are two types of acid used for two different purposes of food preservation. Although both are acids, they are not identical. Citric acid has a greater acidity than ascorbic acid.

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